Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ~ John Muir
I love your blog about your life with fibromyalgia and your methods of dealing with the symptoms. Keep up with your blog because i find it very iinteresting.
Thank you Cheryl for you kind comments. I am having a struggle finding something to write about. I made a commitment to write on Sunday about my Fibro. I am having a struggle finding topics to blog about. Do you have any ideas?
A little about me and why I started this blog. I am a 46 year old woman who has found my way out of the labyrinth of fibromyalgia using holistic ways. What was available through medical doctors did not resonate with me. With this blog I hope to share what I have tried, what has worked for me and what has not worked for me. I have been on a amazing journey to wellness. It has been exciting, frustrating, empowering, painful, emotional and well worth it in the end! I invite you to join me, share your stories, your triumphs, your joys, your pain, your disappointments. You have found a friend, maybe many friends here! My email address is if you want to email. I promise I'll answer!
I love your blog about your life with fibromyalgia and your methods of dealing with the symptoms. Keep up with your blog because i find it very iinteresting.
Thank you Cheryl for you kind comments. I am having a struggle finding something to write about. I made a commitment to write on Sunday about my Fibro. I am having a struggle finding topics to blog about. Do you have any ideas?
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