Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
~John Muir

My thoughts have been turning towards Peacock Medicine. Peacock reminds us to laugh with life and not take things so seriously. We also need to learn how to strut our stuff with grace and dignity. Now those can be tough things to do! I got this info from this neat website on animal totems: http://www.sayahda.com/cyc3.html.

Yesterday was a hot humid day, so my husband and I decided to take a creek walk and found some cool things, like clay, rocks with fossils, minnows, crawfish, drift wood. No peacocks were seen, but it was very nuturing to my soul being out in nature. Living here in Ohio we are truly blessed to have so many nature preserves and parks.

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